Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Sad End to a Long Day...

Today was a busy day. I took a draft of the program for the house dedication up to House #1 for approval by the homeowners. They are a delightful pair and it is always fun to visit with them, even for a short time.

Since I was close I drove on up to House #4 to see how the floor joists were coming along. I had a chance to sit and visit with the homeowner there as while. The foundation is beginning to look like there will be a house there -- it's amazing how much it changes when you start putting wood on the concrete.

Came back to camp and started printing programs, which since I only have a little HP printer, had to be hand-fed in order to do a two-sided program. But, I got them done! I just wish I had some idea of just how many people might be there on Friday.

Around four we went back to potential House #5 to recheck the water for chlorine. We didn't find a trace of it, even using the new DPD pills. Hopefully it will stay that way as we keep checking it during the week. It's very gratifying when the homeowner meets you with a hug. The case worker was a bit apologetic about my having to continually recheck the water, but I told her it was giving me a chance to build a relationship before we even start building the house.

Shortly after we returned to camp I got a telephone call from my dearly beloved friend Phyl. She had had another MRI this week and the doctor seems to think that the brain tumor she has been fighting over the past year is recurring... Please keep her and her family and her doctors in your prayers as they decide what next to do. It's times like this that make me wish we weren't so far away!

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