Sunday, June 26, 2011

The Hawks Have Fledged!

The mystery is solved! The hawks are immature Red Tailed Hawks. Our neighbor Diane told us at church today that the ones they were watching near their house had fledged yesterday. Sure enough this afternoon as we watched, one after the other the two young one flew across the coulee to perch in the dead tree.

There has been the cutest little kitten hanging around the motorhomes since we arrived. One of the neighbor kids said that it had shown up at the ranch a week or so ago. Today it decided that it liked sleeping in one of our chaise lounge chairs. It is such a mellow kitten, it has no fear of the dogs. It lets them smell her and check her out and it makes no effort to scratch. Even when Izzie climbed up into the chair with her, she just purred. (I'm making an assumption here. I have no idea what gender it is...)

Izzie and Tica are seldom around other animals and this kitten absolutely fascinates them --

We had a fairly quiet day today. We all got going fairly early (for us anyway!) and went to church at Menno. It was great to see everyone!

After lunch, we all decided it was time for Sunday afternoon naps. Juni fixed spaghetti for dinner and now it's time for the Mariners game.


  1. Are you going to keep the kitten? Or does it have a home already? I'm a sucker for lost kitties!

  2. I was wondering the same thing. I would have already gotten a travel kitty if Bill wasn't so allergic.
