Tuesday, October 4, 2011

A VERY, VERY Lazy Day!

I was SO tired today!  We didn't get up until almost nine, I ate my yogurt, granola and blueberries; then fell asleep sitting on the sofa drinking my coffee...

I finally gave up and went back and laid on the bed and took a morning nap.  So you can imagine how much day there wasn't left by the time I was awake and functioning again.  I did get a couple of loads of laundry done, but it was starting to get dark when I was hanging the second load up.

I spent a bit of time on the computer looking for a recommendation from HWH on where to get the back slide fixed.  They are actually based in Moscow, Iowa. We were thinking if all else failed, we could go to the factory, but they gave us the name of a place they highly recommend in Elkhart. Indiana.  Stuart Service is only about a day's drive from here.  By the time we had gotten that figured out, it was too late to chat with them as they close at 3 PM Central time.  We'll do that first thing in the morning.

I did have a chance this afternoon to chat on the telephone with Sister Sherry.  My niece Daphne and her boys are there from Virginia visiting at the Touchet farm.  It was sure good to visit with her. I am so impressed with the delightful young women my nieces have become.

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