Saturday, July 21, 2012

A Quiet Day

Showers and laundry, reading and naps. Today was definitely a quiet day.

I made bacon and tomato sandwiches for lunch. The expensive heirloom tomatoes I bought at Costco yesterday tasted better then the other ones I had bought at the store, but still don't have the flavor that ones grown in the earth do!

The RV park began to fill up for the weekend yesterday afternoon and is about half full today. There are enough youngsters on bikes riding around that the geese gave up and flew away.

I have quite a few pictures that I have taken in the last few days, but the Internet here is so spotty and so bad I have not been able to upload any of them. I have tried using both our AT&T air card and our Verizon Hot Spot. Neither of them have good access... ;-(

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