Tuesday, February 24, 2015

A Trip to Queen Creek

Last week when Judy and Tim were here, I used the last of my Mexican Lime Olive Oil to make the salad dressing for our salads. Then a couple of nights ago, I used the last of my large bottle of olive oil when I sauteed pork chops for dinner. So today we made an expedition to Queen Creek and to the Queen Creek Olive Mill.

It's about an hour's drive over there as it is on the other side of Phoenix.

While there are lots of olive trees in California, it is our understanding that this is the only commercial olive grove and mill in Arizona. There is a grove of olive trees immediately around the store and mill, and then a large orchard of trees near by. We discovered it at least three years ago and have made a point of buying our olive oil here. They have an absolutely wonderful lime-flavored olive oil that I really enjoy cooking scallops and shrimp with.


Several dollars later, my cupboard is restocked! (The dark bottles are today's purchases.)

The Olive Mill has sort of a deli lunch counter. I got Forry a bowl of clam chowder while I ate half of an Italian BLT. They even had a Kilt Lifter to go with Forry's soup. We each had some gelato to go with our lime cupcakes. It was a very nice excursion.

We again had visitors along the road on our way home. I think the horses are enjoying all of the new grass. There was a third horse over to the right as well. Makes it fun to drive these roads -- you certainly want to stay alert!

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