Saturday, October 2, 2010

The Big Day at Last!

And at last it is over! I am so exhausted tonight I can hardly wait to crawl into my bed. Luckily I bought BBQ chicken dinners at the sale this afternoon and Leslie bought a "cheery" pie (honestly that's what it was labeled!) and gallons of apple cider so we didn't have to cook when we got home -- or run into town.

The Washington State Mennonite Central Committee Relief Sale, Mennonite Country Auction, was a big success. Our preliminary total was over $99,500. I'm sure it will be over $100,000 after all of the Penny Power and other things are added in. The new Children's Auction brought in over $900 alone with over $44,000 from the regular auction. The rest of the money raised comes from all of the booth and concession sales.

The sun was shining and there was only a breeze -- truly a beautiful day for a relief sale!

1 comment:

  1. I so admire you and your church for what you are doing! God bless you!
