Friday, October 15, 2010

A Good Day at the Health Sector Assembly

It is only 10 PM, but I am exhausted. We had an early start to the day with several provocative, pithy speakers on issues related to the new Affordable Health Act (aka Health Care Reform). There was some discussion time with the whole group, then we retired to our small group sessions this afternoon. I have a good, but tough, very smart group of ten which I am facilitating.

When our small group adjourned at 5:30 I decided to walk up the mountain (1200 feet difference in elevation between the meeting areas and our cabin!), then walked back down again with Forry for dinner. Did I say that I am exhausted? I'll be off to bed as soon as I send this!

While I was busy in the sessions this morning, Forry went to the Art Shack and made me the beautiful creation in the pictures below --

I had been wanting a longer necklace and he sure came through! I envy the spouse's free time while they are here, but when I get such lovely gifts, I cannot whine too much!

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