Monday, May 14, 2012

A Rainy Day

We were going on a road trip today, but it was showery when we got up. And by the time we had breakfast, it was just plain raining. Then it turned into a real storm with lightening and thunder! So we decided we would stay close to home and inside where it was dry.

It had rained most of the night. I think this robin was out looking in the grass for worms who may have come up to the surface.

This Eastern Bluebird had been perching on top of this little evergreen every morning. But he never

stays very long. He's quite a little charmer!

I spent part of the day getting caught up with the laundry. Then Kent, owner of the RV Park, brought by a VERY packed box of mail that Daughter Mary Mae had sent. The box was so full and heavy that the corners of the box were actually beginning to split!

I had bought a bag of Vidalia sweet onions from Georgia at the fruit stand  we stopped at last week. I used some of them tonight to make an onion pie. It was okay, but not nearly as good as one made from Walla Walla sweets!

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