Friday, December 28, 2012

Toad II Gets Some First Aid

Going down Interstate 60 last week, Toad II was hit by a piece of gravel tossed by a vehicle in front of us. She got a nasty rock chip on the top right side of her windshield!

Concerned that the rock chip would spread and we would soon have a crack in the windshield, I looked for a place that might do rock chip repair. Juni suggested to us that car washes often offered this service, so I called the place where we had gotten Toad II washed and waxed a couple of weeks ago. The receptionist as Full Circle Auto Wash said that indeed they had someone there that provided this service and he was in this afternoon.

So off we went to meet Justin Harwood of the Auto Glass Shop, a national chain of auto glass repairs. He opened up the chip a bit -- I jumped almost as much as I did from the original hit when he tapped on it.

Justin agreed with us that it was a pretty bad chip as he went to work and filled it with resin, then left it to cure for a few minutes...

It probably didn't take more than twenty minutes and cost us $35 (guaranteed to be refunded if the repair failed...). You can still see the "spider legs" of where it was hit, though you have to look for them. Justin said he got the outside of the rig dirty, so sent us through the car wash with his compliments.

While we were out and about, we went to Barnes and Noble to buy Forry a new "Page-a-Day" Sudoku calendar as well as a calendar for the living room. It was nice to see that since it was the last week of the year, all of the calendars were 50% off.

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