Saturday, July 4, 2009

Do You Realize It's Already JULY?!!

I was checking my bank statement last night and was surprised by the balance. Then I realized it was a new month and our social security had already been deposited! It's pretty bad when the city was celebrating the fourth of July yesterday and it hadn't dawned on me that we'd moved into another month... I am sure it's because I've been so busy, not because there is any mental deterioration on my part.

It was another busy day today, starting again with a delegate session at 8 AM and ending up with us back at the hotel by 11 PM. With Iris, I gave the report on the Spanish Language Intiative to the delegates this morning. It was going well until I looked down and could see myself in the TV monitor right in front of the podium (they were showing events on the stage over two large TV screens on the front walls). It momentarily startled me, but I think I recovered okay -- I just made sure that I didn't look down again!

Our flight back to Spokane doesn't leave until 7 PM tomorrow night (we won't get back to the ranch until way after midnight!), so we should have a quiet day tomorrow. We've been talking about going to the zoo, but we'll wait to see how ambitious we might be tomorrow.

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