Saturday, July 25, 2009

A Good Visit

It was another miserably hot day today. It was up to 98 degrees before noon. There were lots of thunderheads off to the east which gradually moved this way, but there was no moisture with them. Our tenant has started harvesting wheat, so that's probably a good thing.

I had wanted to go into Moses Lake this morning to visit Phyl, but we decided to wait until late afternoon and see if we could get Vic to go out to dinner with us. Phyl was restless when we got there, but after she had her meds she seemed calmer. She did not ever open her eyes while we were there.

We went with Vic over to Denny's. Forry had their shrimp skewers, but Vic and I settled for breakfast. It seemed a bit strange not to have Phyl there with us. After dinner we visited a bit with Pam, Curt and Sarah and heard a great story about Vic teaching Phyl to drive before they were married.

1 comment:

  1. it is fun to sit and talk about back in the day...isn't it?
