Tuesday, June 30, 2009

An Day for Hugs!

WARNING -- This entry tends to be a bit on the religious side, so if that turns you off, just stop reading now!

It's interesting that members of SKP (Escapee) RV Club pride themselves on their "hugginess." And they do traditionally greet you -- and each other with hugs.

BUT, they have nothing on a gathering of Mennonites -- especially those of us who have served together on the Constituency Leadership Council (CLC) or other committees together. Today was one long round of wonderful hugs.

Forry and I didn't get up very early this morning, so had a late breakfast across the street from our hotel, before I went to my Executive Board meeting at 1:00 PM. It was a bitter-sweet meeting as we were both greeting four new members of the Board (new 4 year terms) and saying farewell to the four who have finished serving eight years on the Board. I have now been a Board member for two years -- and many of these folks have become very good friends. Needless to say, there were lots of hugs and more than a few tears.

Tonight we gathered for the first "official" function of the Assembly. There is nothing quite like hearing a roomful of Mennonites in song. Perhaps because singing was one of the few coed activities permitted in years past, Singing Schools were very popular. (I am sure this week's Hymn Sing will be attended by thousands.) Four part singing and rounds are taught to some of our littlest children. To have a 2-3 thousand adults singing acappello in worship is an early taste of what heaven may be like.

As usual, the adults at this assembly are way out-numbered by the youth. I haven't heard any official counts yet, but I did hear there are 5000 youths here versus around 2000 adults!

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