Sunday, July 4, 2010

Celebrating the Fourth of July

We spent another quiet day today. Started off the day with a trip to church. I had woken up early, then fell back to sleep. Next time I looked, it was eight AM! Had to hustle to shower, have breakfast and get to Menno by ten. Jim Schrag, former Executive Director for Mennonite Church USA, is in the area visiting his daughter and her family, so we were fortunate to have him fill the pulpit this morning. He's the kind of speaker that always leaves you with something to meditate upon.

I am not sure if it is because the drugs are starting to break down the clot in my thigh, but it has been feeling achy (I did sit in the corner of the pew with it elevated along the bench this morning...), so I spent the afternoon lying down with my leg elevated and a good book (reading a memoir called Operation Mincemeat: How a Dead Man and a Bizarre Plan Fooled the Nazis and Assured an Allied Victory). Of course, there was a nap in there somewhere as well...

After a supper of salad and gyoza (pot stickers), we spent the evening watching the Fourth of July celebrations first in New York, then in Washington DC (with Reba McIntyre) and finally the ones in Seattle on Lake Union. I actually think the fireworks in Seattle were the most varied and spectacular!

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