Thursday, July 29, 2010

A Very Special Dinner!

It's so funny how one relates to different people. There are some people you meet or meet again after a period of time and after you exchange a few updates, you have to search for something else to say. And then there are others, you may not see them for months or even years, but you pick up conversation right where you left off and just keep going!

Tonight was with one of those people. Mary and I have been friends for many years -- she was running the health district up in the NE Tri-Counties when I was the hospital administrator in Ritzville. She was one of the people who worked with me to form the Washington Rural Health Association and to get our rural legislative agenda through the Washington Legislature.

It's been almost two years since we had seen Mary. (She had come for lunch and a visit when we were at the RV park in Newport the summer before last.) Mary has a couple of years yet before she retires, so she is still hard at work in Olympia. (She is the longest tenured Secretary of Health in the United States!) We could not be this close without trying to get together for a good visit.

The Ranch House BBQ is located between McCleary and Olympia. We met there this evening for some wonderful barbecued ribs and even better conversation! We talked steady for three hours and would probably still be there if Mary hadn't had to get an early start over to Colville in the morning!

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