Saturday, January 8, 2011

Ah, Some Quiet Time!

I am enjoying some much needed quiet time by myself. My roommate went off to a nearby Mall with some of the other Board members for dinner. I choose to stay at the hotel; order from room service; and have some time alone. And I am very content!

Have you ever taken any of those personality tests that decide what kind of personality you have? I've always come out on those tests as an introvert. This often surprises people who only know my in my public or professional persona. I couldn't quite figure it out either as I have little difficulty in standing up in front of a crowd and telling stories.

Finally, one year when I was in Washington DC (doing a fellowship with Health and Human Services)) we did a more complex test where I came out as being an "expressive introvert." What the consultant said it meant was that I could function as an extrovert in a group of people and take a leadership role, but that I needed solitary time (hopefully with a book!) to preserve my sanity!

So that's what I am doing this evening. Spending time alone in recovery from a VERY intense day of meetings, both with the Board and with a committee. As soon as I finish writing this, I shall check out how my Frontierville and Farmville accounts are doing on Facebook, then I shall crawl into bed with my Kindle -- and hope that my roommate stays out late!

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