Tuesday, October 30, 2012


We waited all morning without a call saying the paperwork was ready. Finally, about one o'clock Forry called the banker. He said he hoped to have all the paperwork ready by three o'clock and would give us a call... About three-thirty he finally called and said he'd meet us at the branch in Cheney at four o'clock.

Mike was very apologetic when we got to the bank. I got the impression that he doesn't often take care of the paperwork details himself -- and I think he missed a few steps that he had to go back and correct. But, anyway, everything was done and we got all of the papers signed. (Someday, I just know that all of the documents, reports, nursing notes, etc. that I have signed in my lifetime are going to catch up with me and drown me in a sea of paper!)

I had a chance to chat with Niece Daphne in Virginia this afternoon. She said they had had an incredible amount of wind and rain, but other than some flickering, didn't lose their power during Hurricane Sandy's brush with their state. She said they had lots of broken branches dangling up in the trees. There are some big trees around the house she'd like to see taken down before they come down on the house.

All day the television has been showing some incredible scenes of the damages from the storm. Many were scenes from places we visited during our tour of the East Coast this past year. It's hard to imagine what it must be like for the people back there!

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