Monday, February 25, 2013


It was another chilly morning, but the sun was out, so the day was really quite pleasant. We had the windows and the door open most of the afternoon.

I did have a chance to get my little Valentine rose bush re-potted in the new pot we bought at Lowe's last week. There's quite a bit of new growth on it. I hope I didn't shock it with the transplant...


We checked our mail box, then went over to the post office and picked up a Priority Mail Tyvex Mailing Envelope that I can use to send our tax stuff to our accountant's office.

From there it was over to the freeway via Ellsworth Road to Safeway to pick up groceries. It seems like we are always out of orange juice, milk and bread. They had a sale on diced tomatoes, so I picked up half a dozen cans of those as well. I added oranges, bananas and blueberries. Forry added several bags of popped popcorn and kettle corn -- gotta have snacking stuff.

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