Thursday, April 18, 2013

Albuquerque Hospitality

We had a bit of a slow start this morning -- it was COLD! It got down to 28 degrees last night! Forry had a rear tire to add air to again and we wanted to empty the tanks before we headed to Albuquerque.   It was sort of funny to see little icicles hanging from the under -carriage  of Auntie Violet where the fresh water tank is leaking again.

It was a lovely day for driving compared to the last couple of days -- at least until about the last thirty miles when the crosswinds hit. It's a good thing we didn't have much further to go.

We drove into Tom and Juni's place and parked along the street. I went in to give Juni and the dogs a hug. It was sure good to see Juni and Tom again! Tom went out to help Forry get the dinghy unhooked, then we all helped back Auntie Violet into the driveway.

Juni was fixing a pork loin to roast and Tom was trying a new recipe for Brussels sprouts that I really liked. It was made with toasted pine nuts and braised sprouts that were still crunchy. Juni made mashed potatoes and gravy to go with and we had a feast.

The weather forecast doesn't look like there is going to be very warm weather on our way north, so we may just hunker down here for a while. Juni and I are thinking there might be some shopping in our future...

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