Sunday, March 14, 2010

Today in Wellton

At the M & M RV Park in Wellton --

It seems we came to M&M RV Park just as most of the Sno-Birds were getting ready to leave. A few left yesterday and more this morning. As far as we can tell, most of the economy of Wellton has to do with the number of Sno-Birds who annually make this their home every winter.
As we drove about the town and its environs this afternoon, it was apparent that what prosperity there was in this town has to do with the retirees. There are some very nice houses just outside of town in an addition they call Coyote Wash that is built along a new golf course, but it looks like they also are only occupied in the winter.
The Town of Wellton does have its own golf course as well along with a nice park with sand volleyball courts and a skate-board area. There are a couple of small restaurants in town.

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