Saturday, November 10, 2012

Micah's Soccer Game

Sure enough, it took both Son-in-law Todd and I to block traffic so that we could back Auntie Violet into their driveway this morning. But we got the job done. We didn't even hook up the water and the electricity before it was time to leave for Grandson Micah's soccer game. It was the last game of the season for the 91 School team.

 The game was over in Milwaukie --

Micah's playing defense this season --

It was a good game for the boys from 91 School. I think the final score was 6-1.

It was a chilly afternoon. The boys even had a blanket over on their side of the field for when they were on the bench --

After the game, the whole team, their coaches, and their families went to the Canby Dairy Queen for treats. Here one of the coaches is presenting Micah with his soccer medal for the year (all of the kids got one).

It was a fun afternoon.

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