Sunday, March 24, 2013

A Quiet Palm Sunday

Since our friend Bill has figured out how to load the videos of the Menno Mennonite Church services to UTube, we have been enjoying worship with our home congregation. It is such a joy!

Forry was giving me a bad time today about my not having noticed the flowers blooming in the gravel at the back of Auntie Violet's parking space. These little beauties are actually blooming all over the RV park in various spots.

Coreopsis is pretty much considered a weed in this part of the world. It has naturalized in many areas and it is not unusual to see a hillside covered with these little orange and yellow flowers.

Since we were out at the ball game last night, we missed the first broadcast of the PBR from the Pit in Albuquerque, New Mexico. This afternoon, we watched the 3rd round and the Final Go-Round (which the bulls won 9-1). After watching the National Indian PowWow there last fall, it was interesting to see it transformed into an arena.

Our Granddaughter Kyra turned 15 today! I am so amazed at how quickly our grand-children are growing up. Kyra and her sister will be staying with us during the Mennonite Conference in Phoenix in July. I am really looking forward to spending some time with them. (Yes, I know how busy the teens are, but at least we'll get a glimpse or two...!)

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