Sunday, November 30, 2014

The End of Another Month

I tore the November page off of the little calendar on the wall of my computer desk this evening. I am positive that I just uncovered that page a couple of days ago! I used to chuckle at my mother-in-love when she commented about how fast time was flying by...

We had a high light covering of clouds this morning which gradually cleared off as the day went by. There are rumors that that the big rain storms that are supposed to hit California early this week are also going to be hitting southern Arizona. It's been over two months since there has been any rain in the Phoenix area, so it would be very nice. Everything is so dusty.

After seeing quite a few Christmas lights up as we drove home last night, we started thinking about decorating for Christmas. We have a string of foot-long icicle lights that we usually put on the front of the RV. Since we are in the Southwest, I would really like to put luminaria up around the RV. I've seen some that actually have electric lights in them instead of candles. I checked at ACE hardware when we were in town, but they had none. The lady suggested I had best look on-line. So that's what I will do.

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