Friday, September 4, 2015

Fingers Are Traitors!

Forty has been wearing elastic waist basketball shorts ever since his back surgery as they don't constrict his waist like a belt does with his back brace. Since the weather has been getting cooler, we decided to order him a pair of the same type of long pants. They came yesterday. But, they are way too long.

So, of course, I told him I could hem them. I had him put them on so I could measure them. Then I went into the bedroom and found the little sewing kit I had stuck away in one of my drawers. I noticed that there was one of those funny little needle threaders in the box. Thank goodness! The lenses I received after my cataract surgery are for far seeing and though I have several pairs of "readers," none of them are good enough for me to thread a needle. Heck, it was all I could do to get the thread into the larger eye of the threader!

It only took about two inches of hem for my fingers to start complaining. Arthritis has not been nice to my fingers. I quickly remembered why I had to quit sewing. The fingers that used to be able to do fine intricate embroidery on heirloom clothing for my grandchildren are in full rebellion. They complained bitterly the whole time I was stitching the hems on the pant legs. (It didn't help any when I had to redo the first one after I discovered I had hemmed it up backwards...)

There are some distinct disadvantages to growing old and the increasing stiffness of my fingers is one of them. I have a couple of knitting projects that I have just given up on as my fingers cramp up so badly. I have had friends who have kept quilting into their 90s. I guess I'm not going to be one of them...

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