The new director should be arriving tomorrow afternoon. We'll spend a couple of days getting him oriented and then try to start back to Washingon on Sunday morning.
While Forry went into Santee and El Cajon this morning to pick up the proper circuit breakers, plus the foundation vents and insulation for House #4, I spent the morning transcribing my notes from the past 2 1/2 months on the computer for Franzie, the new director. Ken, our construction supervisor, had also left a sheaf of notes, so transition may be a little easier for the next guy.
Here's a couple more of the blooming cacti that we've been seeing:
I've always been jealous of Sister Dena getting to see all of the cacti in bloom when they are in Arizona, but I seem to be getting my chance this year. We see more of them in bloom every day and I have really been enjoying them. Even if my friend Robin calls them "weeds"....
Safe travels. Looking forward to a reunion lunch once you get here.