Thursday, October 29, 2009

New iPhone!
With no sign of my missing iPhone all week, we finally decded to go ahead and buy a new one. I had the old one long enough that it was out of contract, so we were able to get a new 3Gs for a pretty reasonable price.
It's been a good day today with out recurrance of the awful pain of Tuesday night.
Stopped at Red Robin and had a bowl of onion soup -- I was even able to eat almost half. ;-)


  1. Glad to hear you did not have awful pain.

    Now that you got the new 3Gs, you can tell Forry where hid the old one :)

  2. Since I can't get an iPhone for Sprint (easily) and Bill has stolen my iPod when his got stolen we invested in an iTouch for me. Basically it is the same as the iPhone but without the phone function. Love my new toy. :-)
