Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Back in Spokane

It was warm today (78 degrees) and dry in Spokane. (Although there was a brief thunderstorm late this afternoon that dropped a few -- very few -- drops of rain.) After all of the damp chill on the west side of the mountains, it is nice to be back in shorts and sandals -- and not have achy joints!

I had a 9 AM conference call with the other facilitators for next month's Health Sector Assembly in Sundance, then we went into town to Group Health to get our blood drawn before tomorrow's MD appointments. We picked up some lunch at the drive-in and then went to Manito Park to eat at the pond. The duck pond is end-of-summer green. For the first time ever we did NOT seen anybody feeding bread to the ducks. The signs they have posted all over must finally be getting through to people?

It doesn't seem to matter what time of year you visit the park, there are always flowers in bloom. I don't know what this is, but it is pretty --

A few loads of laundry; a nap; a salad, scallops in white wine and sweet potato fries for dinner; and a bit of TV. That pretty much sums up our day.