Sunday, September 26, 2010

A Momentous Occasion

If my body had had its way this morning, I would have buried my head under the covers and slept for SEVERAL more hours! But, we did want to be in church this morning to witness and celebrate the licensing of our new pastor. This is Pastor Matthew's first pastorate, so it indeed was a very special occasion. To add the the specialness, his grandfather, an ordained minister, was with us to preach the sermon.

So, we were on the road by 8:30 in order to be down at Menno by 10 AM. It was a pleasant drive. I had sort of planned to sleep, but started reading the Sunday School lesson to Forry as he drove. We ended up discussing it almost all the way.

I would have liked to stay this afternoon to watch the crew erect the big tent for the Mennonite Country Auction this coming Saturday, but I was just too tired! I did take a nap when we got home. And I did stick several loads of clothes in the washer. Since I had been gone all week, the laundry basket was FULL. Otherwise it's been a pretty lazy afternoon -- we even decided to have popcorn and grapes for supper as I really did not want to cook...

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