Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Rain, Rain, RAIN!

It started out as a fairly gentle shower this morning, just a few drops here and there. We were all getting our rigs ready to travel; draining tanks; pulling in slides; taking up the water hoses; disconnecting the electricity; getting the recycling to the shed; and emptying the garbage. It came down a little heavier as we hooked up the toads (I saw Juni out there with an umbrella...).

Then we left for Mesa and the new RV Park, Valle del Oro, and it began to POUR! So glad we got the windshield wipers fixed while we were in Oregon. Leslie and Bill left first, then Juni and Tom. By the time we got there, it was really coming down. We were both drenched and cold by the time we walked to the office; got registered; walked back to the rig; unhitched the toad; drove back to the site; hooked up the electricity and the water; and got the slides out.

Hot coffee sure tasted good! I fixed some mushrooms and scrambled eggs for a late lunch and took a nap, listening to the rain on Auntie Violet's roof.

Bill has not been feeling good. Leslie did all of the getting Serenity ready to go and drove over here. Tonight he once again started spiking a temp so they went to an urgent care center. Sounds like the doc there thinks he's got bronchitis.

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