Thursday, December 30, 2010

What Happened to the WARM South?

Everyone is bundled up -- it's COLD tonight! After the rain yesterday (.9 of an inch!), it got very windy during the night. Today it's been gusty off and on with lots of clouds blowing by as the last of the storm moves on through. Then a little after noon, a pretty dark cloud came over and we actually had SNOW!

Our friend Leslie had come over to talk for a minute. Those are snowflakes in her hair!

The RVers who are in Florida have been blogging about the unseasonable cold they have been experiencing there. We have been watching the newscasts with their seemingly endless pictures of snowplows and snow drifts across the northern and middle United States. And now the cold has hit Southern California AND Arizona!
I guess we weren't meant to get away from the cold this winter! It's hard to believe that we sat outside and ate Christmas dinner less than a week ago. It's actually 35 degrees outside as I type this.

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