Monday, January 28, 2013

It's That Time

Every year I say that I'm going to do the book work every month. And every year I don't. One year I kept up our personal account books for a good six months before I relapsed...

2012 was a normal year for us. We have the whole year of entries to do...

The first task is always to purchase a file box that we use to transfer files into as they are finished. This year, the boxes weren't just plain ordinary colors --

The inside file folders were labeled with letters and all kinds of categories. So out came the label machine to put months on those dividers.

These are the monthly files we are working from. This small file drawer has all of the ranch records. We are very good about putting all the paperwork for each month in its proper hanging file, at least.

This morning we got through January, February and March of the ranch files and got them entered into the Quicken software. I do all of the entries into the computer while Forry figures out what it was he paid for with that American Express or Citibank card. Once all of the months are done, I'll do our personal ones in Quickbook, then the whole caboodle will go to Cleon, our accountant and the guy who gets to make sense of it all.

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