Thursday, September 11, 2014

A Productive Day

We didn't get started very early, but I feel like we accomplished quite a bit. There is a set of cupboards above the head of the bed. I have stuff in the two on my side and Forry has stuff in the other two. These are not real usable cupboards as they are high and hard to get at, so I tend to store things in mine I don't use very often.

For example, the  Blog2Print books that I have printed each year of that year's blogs are stored there. Since I didn't start the blog, Hardtsonthehighway, until we had been on the road for a year and a half, there are now six fat heavy volumes there. There are also a couple of umbrellas, my traveling cosmetic bags and some handwork that I have kept. The one thing I use quite frequently is my earring stand. I was able to collect several earrings that had fallen off as I taken it in and out of the cupboard and also to "pair up" some that had gotten mixed up and in the wrong place.

While I was worked on the high cupboard, Forry was working on the stuff stashed alongside his side of the bed. One of things stored back there was the wii we had bought a couple of years ago and have only used a few times. After a bit of discussion, we decided the wii was one of those things that could find a good home at the Mennonite Country Auction.

I do have another bag with a pair of Forry's cowboy boots, several hats, a purse,  and a few other odds and ends that will make a trip to Goodwill. Forry's also filled one more bag that will go directly to the trash!

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