Thursday, June 18, 2015

And Today It's Occupational Therapy

For some reason, mid-mornings seem to be the hardest for Forry. He's been sleeping through the night okay and is fine when he first wakes up. But by ten AM the past two days, he's miserable. Medication doesn't seem to help, it's just a tough time.

We got a call from a lady from Occupational Therapy this morning saying she had had a cancellation and could she come over in about fifteen minutes? That's the last thing we really needed at that point, but I was nice and said sure. She said OT has to do with the activities of daily living instead of the physical body like PT. She was nice enough, but I can't say that she added much to the conversations. She basically checked out the same things that the nurse and the physical therapy had done the days before...

Her big message was "conservation of energy," little gems like not tackling more than one project a day, resting between activities etc.

I think I was feeling a bit crabby, so I may not have been as receptive as I could have been. Forry liked her, so that's what matters. But, he got a good night's sleep and I didn't!

We got new neighbors yesterday afternoon, just for the night. Right after they arrived, they were out washing their tow car and the front of the RV. When I said "Hello" as I was taking out the garbage, she remarked that "it was such a necessary task every day that they traveled." What the heck, washing the car every day? Oh well, to each his own...

But I made the mistake of leaving the bedroom window open. I'm not sure when, or even if, they slept. I know he woke me up about 2:30 banging around doing something in one of his bays. Then an hour or so later, he was working on a slide when it was barely light out. They actually left around 7:30, all the time hollering back and forth at each other as they got ready to leave and hooked up their toad. I guess no one ever told them about quiet time...

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