Friday, December 27, 2013

Another Sunny Day

We enjoyed another beautiful sunny day today. Forry and I pretty much walked -- well, I walked and he rode the trike -- the perimeter of the park this afternoon. The back side of the park is bordered by a rail fence. I like that every so often there is one of these "pick it up" stations on a fence post.

On the other side of the fence is the Verde River. It's pretty overgrown with brush and you really can't see much of it...

You have to admire the saquaro cactus. They take an incredible beating, but still hang on and even put out new "babies." I've heard they are at least one hundred years old before they start sending out new branches.

Another glimpse of the Verde River. You can see a bit of water to the right of that front bush...

This is one of the many mesquite trees that grace the desert --

Most people seem to have the urge to decorate or differentiate their sites. These folks have a set of metal horse cut-outs. Not sure how they store them when they travel...

This little path connects the two portions of the resort. It goes through a grove of mesquite trees and creosote bushes. Notice how the grass has sprouted since we had those rains a couple of weeks ago.

I had finally filled the big hummingbird feeder and we sat it on top of the cable box alongside Auntie Violet. The sugar water level has gone down considerably. When we came home from our walk, this little fellow was busy getting a drink.

I met some dressing this afternoon and roasted a chicken for supper. I think the dressing turned out better than the chicken. Oh well, I'll have some good stuff for soup tomorrow.

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