Friday, August 8, 2014

20 -20!

Today was my last post-op visit to the eye doctor following my cataract surgeries. While the first  post-op visit was with the surgeon at the Spokane Eye Clinic, the last two have been with my Group Health optometrist. It was a bit crazy at the GH office today. There were several emergencies they were trying to fit into the schedule. The nurse told me they leave three appointments open for emergencies, but they had already used them and there were more people wanting to be seen. I felt quite sorry for an elderly lady who couldn't understand why she had to wait -- "But, my eye has something in it and it hurts! Last time I had something in my eye, they saw me right away!"

Dr. Scheffilbien seemed quite pleased with the way my eyes have healed. He very proudly announced to me that I now have 20-20 vision. Since I have been near-sighted since I was very young, it almost seems impossible.  I think I was only 7 or 8 when I got my first glasses. I can remember how surprised I was when I saw that the billboards had words on them, not just pictures, as we were driving home from Spokane with my new glasses.

I was a bit annoyed today when the doctor dilated my eyes again! He said since he probably wouldn't see me for another year, he wanted to do a thorough exam. It's not like my eyes haven't been looked at by two different doctors at least eight or nine times the last month and a half... Oh well, if that's the biggest thing I have to complain about.

1 comment:

  1. WOW 20/20 - it has been a while since I have seen that well even with my glasses on. I have not gone in 4 years and I know I need new glasses. Like you I have worn glasses since I was a kid.
