Saturday, April 21, 2012

Cloudy, Overcast Saturday

It was cool and damp feeling when we got up this morning and it has been overcast all day. Since it was cool, I slept in and we didn't go for a walk until early afternoon. Forry walked with me for a while and then went back to Auntie Violet. I had been complaining a bit about having seen all there was to see at the RV park, but I have to take it back.

A couple of days ago I took the dirt road - more like a trail - behind the garbage dumpster. It leads along the outside edge of the park where there are half a dozen RVs that are stored there. But on the other side is the "back yard" of the more permanent RVs across the street from where we are parked. What I was surprised to see were all of the vegetable gardens. I've seen peas, corn, squash, broccoli, beans and lots of tomatoes - some in containers, some in those upside-down hanging pots and some planted in the ground.

But today I was looking up and happened to spot these --

They look like they are the kind of little tomatoes that grow in clusters like grapes. Some of them even look like they're almost ripe.

What I thought was interesting was the shallow hanging troughs they are planted in. I've always thought tomato plants were heavy feeders that needed lots of room for their roots. These plants look like they are happy and thriving. Guess I'll stop by off and on during the next week that we're here and see how they are doing.

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