Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Son Sean is FIFTY!

How do you know when you're getting old? Part of it maybe when one of your children celebrates his fiftieth birthday! I remember well the day he was born, even though it was a long time ago. There were two labor rooms right next door to the delivery room in the hospital in Moses Lake (nothing like the lovely set-up they have now!)

There was a lot of activity going on in the delivery room. The doctor had delivered a very small baby that was so jaundiced that it looked orange (remember that this was in the days before Rhogam) from an Rh incompatibility. They gave that tiny baby a transfusion right there in the delivery room! It seemed like everyone who worked in the hospital was in and out of that room and there was lots of noise and confusion. Then shift changed and another nurse came in and took charge. She checked on me and told us to be sure and holler when things got closer. Then she went into the delivery room and everything calmed down immediately. She sent everyone who had no business there on their way and restored order -- and never raised her voice in the process!

Later when I went to nursing school, I worked for that nurse who by then was the Director of Nursing. Mabel was an old Army nurse and she was my role model for many years. I wonder sometimes if her spirit still isn't present in that hospital!

Our son was born later that day. I am not sure how we so quickly went from that day fifty years ago to today. I am feeling a bit guilty about being so far away from Washington State today (even though we had a cake delivered...). I'm hoping that all of us can get together some time this summer to celebrate some more with Sean.

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