Thursday, January 23, 2014

I Think It's Thursday...

It continues to amaze me how easily I lose track of days. When you are either going to school, sending children to school, or going to work, you tend to be very aware of what day of the week it is. You looked forward to weekends; to the day you got to go to the library; what day a report was due; what day was payday; what day your vacation started; which nights that nasty doctor was the on-call doctor; what day your flight left; etc. etc.

When you are retired, especially when you are living in an RV and are usually parked in an RV park where there are not children who attend school; the days all blend together. If it wasn't for Sunday worship services, there would be no demarcation of days whatsoever.

I've been working on my annual task of entering all of our financial data into Quicken and QuickBooks so that it can be sent to our accountant. Ever year I swear I'm going to keep it up on a monthly basis and every year I don't manage to do it. I did do January of 2013 at the end of that month and all it did was mess me up because I didn't remember that I had done it and started re-entering it all. It took me a while to figure out why I had duplicates...

The grounds crew has been busy spraying the gravel areas of the RV park the last few days. We were asked to move everything (chairs, tables, etc) off of the gravel and onto the paved pads so that they could spray the weeds. From the drab brown of the grounds when we first arrived, it's interesting to see how green things have gotten. Some of the weeds are actually tall enough to be starting to bloom. Alas, they will all soon be gone.

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