Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Just Hangin' Around

It was just one of those days. I took care of some tax stuff and then we walked - well, I walked and Forry rode the trike - over to the office to mail a check. It was another very nice day with a few clouds floating around.

My Gossips have been languishing under Auntie Violet since we got here as the ground is too hard with too many underground lines to pound her stand into the ground. We bought some scrap boards at Home Depot a few weeks ago and glued them together to make a stand. Then they sat. You can't rush into things, you know. Today, Forry got ambitious and charged his drill so that he could make some holes in the boards.

So now, my gossiping crows can check out the neighborhood --

I think I may have to think about some paint...

I spent some time today scrubbing, sterilizing and refilling the hummingbird feeders. The lady we bought the hanging sculpture ones from said not to ever use soap or detergent on the cups as it impregnated the plastic they were made from. Her recommended regimen was to wash them well with just hot water and then occasionally to soak them in bleach water. Then, to rinse them very well with more hot water. So that's what I did.

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