Thursday, July 24, 2014

A Quiet Day After

I guess we were awfully lucky. The power came back on here about ten o'clock last night. I understand from the Spokane paper (which I read on-line) that more then 50,000 people are without power in northeastern Washington and northern Idaho. They are not expecting to have power back on for many of those people until late tonight or even tomorrow morning.

The weather was sort of funny all day. It was chilly this morning, down to 68 degrees when we got up. Then it clouded over and we thought we might have more rain, then the clouds blew away and it was actually quite warm in the late afternoon.

We did not do a whole lot today. I even gave up on cleaning and sorting for the day. The next cupboard to be done is the one above my Splendide washer/dryer that holds most of Forry's shirts. He knows there are a whole bunch that he hasn't worn for a few years that I either want to give to Son Sean or take to Goodwill, so he was just as happy I didn't get started on it.

I had picked up a piece of sirloin steak when we were at the grocer's and late this afternoon I cut it into strips and made Stroganof for supper. It's an old, old recipe from Sister Sherry that Forry really likes. I don't make it very often because of the amount of sour cream and mushroom soup in it, but every once in a while...

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