Tuesday, July 23, 2013

It Takes Practice...

This afternoon we headed over to Daughter Mary Mae's to help her get ready for the houseful of company she was expecting tonight. She had invited the Skagit Valley Shakespeare Troupe to rehearse at her house this evening. MM made a pot of black bean soup that she served with sour cream, tomatoes, cilantro, cheese and lime juice along with mini-tortillas and watermelon to about twenty people. Some of the crew also brought chips and salsa and mini-cupcakes as well.

After eating, the group moved to the front yard to rehearse. They were working on a spoof called To Be or Not TV, that they will perform as part of their Iron Man day this weekend (Merry Wives of Windsor, Hamlet, and To Be or Not TV all in one long afternoon and evening!). They are performing Shakespearean scenes in the guise of a "modern" television show.

Here the three nasty witches of Macbeth practice their "cauldron  burn and cauldron bubble" scene --

Son-in-law Scott, on the right, is the mock Jerry Sprinter, who MCs the spoof --

Granddaughter Claire rehearses her role as Puck, trying to explain the mix-up in love potions...

Claire will be 12 the first of August. She continues to surprise me with her ability to learn and remember the Old English language of Shakespeare!

The role of Puck is a sassy one. It will be fun to watch it play out on Saturday!

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