Sunday, March 13, 2016

Can It Be?

We are both really tired tonight. As in feeling totally exhausted. The last week has just been a bit too much for a couple of old fogies! Between bull-riding, company, shopping and baseball games, we have been incredibly busy for the last two weeks. I was tired enough that this afternoon's game wasn't even fun.

On our way home from today's baseball game (Mariners lost to the Cincinatti Reds), we decided we just were not going to go to tomorrow's game. I was supposed to call Scott, the computer guy, when we got home from the game so that he could finish installing the backup on my computer, but we put that off until tomorrow as well. We even swung into a Denny's on the way home in order to get a quick comfort meal so I wouldn't have to cook. (And it wasn't even my idea!)

Part of it may be that we had such a quiet month of February. Other than groceries, we didn't even leave the house. We got pretty used to sleeping in and being VERY lazy.  Not that we're getting old or anything, but could it really be that there could be too many baseball games?

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