Monday, November 30, 2009

Off to Oregon!
It took us all morning, but we finally left Sister Sherry's ranch on the Touchet River about one pm. It was hard to say good-bye to all the mastiffs, especially dear Deacon, but harder still to say good-bye to my sis.

It was foggy when we left, but it rapidly cleared off and we had a nice drive down Hwy 12 into Oregon and then down the Columbia Gorge. We certainly timed it right (HA!) hitting Portland at 5:20 pm just in time for rush hour traffic!

We got into Hubbard a little before seven where Daughter Dawn had turkey dinner waiting. Grandson Micah and GD Kyra have both gotten quite a bit taller since we've seen them -- GD Havela is definitely going to be the shortest one!

The girls were quite insistent that we watch the first of the vampire movies with them so that they can take me to see New Moon while we are here... So after Micah went to bed...

We haven't been up this late for quite a while!


  1. Ha! We also had to watch the first of the vampire movies with our granddaughter. Haven't seen the next one yet, but the girls have! I kinda enjoyed the movie.

  2. so what did you think of the movie? I haven't seen New Moon yet...will probably wait for the rental.
    I know you're loving the time w/ the grandkids!
