Monday, March 14, 2011

Around Mesa Regal RV Resort

I have been struck by all of the red geraniums around the park as we walk --

I thought maybe people were celebrating the beginning of Spring --

Then I chatted with one of the ladies (she saw me taking pictures), and discovered that they had kept them blooming all winter.

She was telling me about how they went out and covered them with sheets every time the temperature was predicted to drop. They even recruited the neighbors to keep an eye on the plants anytime they left overnight.

Today is our last day at Mesa Regal. We hung around Auntie Violet until after lunch when the UPS driver came with my new FiveSpot Verizon wireless device. I've been able to use it tonight to -- very quickly -- upload pictures for my blog. I am currently using it connected to my computer with a USB cord -- I haven't quite figured out how to use it as a wireless device...

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