Thursday, March 31, 2011

And It's Getting Earlier...

It may be a surprise to some folks, but occasionally I do get up early enough to see a sunrise (my bladder makes sure of that!). Except that these days, it's getting earlier and earlier when it starts to get light.

One nice thing about it in this part of the country is that while it is cool in the morning, it's not cold. And you can be outside early without a jacket.

And actually it was the nicest it was all day. By ten o'clock it was ninety degrees and by noon it was ninety-eight degrees! We got by with just the fans on in Auntie Violet, but probably should have broke down and turned on the AC. We went over to Albertson's to pick up some orange juice and mile about 4:30 and I know the air conditioning in the car and the store sure felt good!

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