Saturday, March 26, 2011

Getting Our Taxes Ready

We've spent the last week or so getting all of the paperwork around and the books finalized for 2010 both for our personal taxes and for the ranch. I usually take care of our personal stuff and Forry does the stuff for the ranch. This year we did the ranch books together and it went a lot faster. Because we are still in Arizona -- and will be for another month or so -- and our CPA is in Washington State, we've been getting everything packaged up to mail to him. I finished it all up today and it's ready to stick in the mail on Monday. Trying to think what else I've gotten accomplished today. Well, we did make a trip to the Safeway store to pick up milk and orange juice. Somehow I got distracted while I was getting Kleenex and blueberries and was finishing up in the check-out line when I realized I had not gotten the OJ or the milk! So sent Forry out to the car with the groceries I had gotten while I went back to buy the milk and OJ... Talk about a senior moment!

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