Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Lovely Warm Day

Needless to say we were not up very early this morning. In fact, I was up for a couple of hours before Forry joined me. It was hot today, but there was a lovely breeze most of the day so it was very comfortable. I was quite surprised to receive a Weather Warning a little after one o'clock. It was predicting high winds until sometime tomorrow. Sure enough, the wind began to pick up about four o'clock. Forry brought the awning in when it began to dance.  It is a very gusty wind that has the trees bending.

I got our suitcase emptied and washed the clothes we had soiled over the weekend. I cut up some grape tomatoes, cucumbers and the Walla Walla onion thinnings I bought at the Mercantile yesterday and added them to some orzo pasta. With a lime juice and avocado oil dressing, it tasted like summer.  I added some Dungeness crab to make a great salad supper on a hot day.

The maintenance crew mowed the lawns today. The smell of freshly cut grass is a good thing!

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