Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Today, the Eye Doctor

We continue our regimen of visiting physician offices. Today it was the eye doctor at Group Health. Forry had an appointment at 1:30, and I had one an hour later.

It's funny how even with the hour difference in starting time, Forry and I ended up sitting in the same darkened room at the same time with our eyes dilated, waiting for the doctor...

I intensely dislike having my eyes dilated and dislike even more the bright light the doctor uses on dilated eyes to observe the blood vessels in the back of the eye. I had a partial retnal tear in my right eye several years ago and I vividly remember the pain of the bright light of the laser that was used to "weld" the tear.

Forry needs new glasses with the ongoing deterioration of his eye sight. but the optometrist said he wants me to go to the Spokane Eye Clinic for a cataract evaluation. He didn't know if it was because of the retinal tear or not, but the cataract in my right eye is much further along then the one in the left. I know I could really see the difference in the sight in that eye...

Guess it's one more appointment we get to look forward to...

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