Monday, April 7, 2014

More PowWow

While much of yesterday's PowWow was similar to what we were familiar with from other PowWows we've been at, there was one thing that was very different -- and hilariously funny. After the traditional dances were finished, the announcer called for the "Switch" dancers. Not real sure what was happening, we were surprised to see half a dozen males dressed up like females. There were a couple of shawl dancers and some jingle dress dancers!

A few of the dancers were very serious and conscientiously went through the steps. Others played it for laughs and clowned their way through the dances.

 After the "ladies" danced and got their awards, the female switch dancers performed. They wore the full regalia of the traditional male dancers and some of them were very good. One of the dancers danced out of her leggings and after that really flirted and played with the crowd.

Amid all of the laughter, the announcer reminded the dancers several times that the"must not" forget to switch back!

This is one more picture of my favorite chicken dancers. I thought the one in the red was excellent, but he wasn't in the final three as the judges said he didn't shuffle his feet traditionally enough to mimic the Prairie Chicken...

It was warm today, getting up to 90 degrees. The park is gradually emptying out as more and more RVs are heading north. We spent a pretty quiet day, filling the hummingbird feeders, draining the tanks, taking naps and reading.

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