Thursday, February 11, 2016

Showers, Laundry, Tanks

It should me the other way around - empty tanks first, then start filling them up again! I took my iPad outside with me and sat in the sun reading the newspaper while monitoring the draining tanks.  I was pretty nervous about the tanks before Forry's surgery as that was something I had not done during all our years of full-timing. But, it's gotten to be pretty routine. Walk around the coach checking to see that the hoses are intact and hooked up; pull the valve on the black tank; wait for it to drain, then  open the valve on the grey tank for a couple of minutes to back flush the black tank. At that point, I close the grey tank valve and wait for the back-washed black tank to drain. Then shut the black valve tank off and re-open the grey tank, letting it empty and flush everything out. Of course, since we are staying in the same spot here for several months, I don't have to hook or unhook anything or drag hoses out and put them away. It does make the task a bit easier.

We got our showers done and I did a few loads of laundry as well. I need to start thinking about stripping things down again. We've been sitting in one place long enough that everything we've used is sitting out and it's gotten cluttered again.

It was another very warm beautiful day today. It's actually hot enough late morning and early afternoon that everyone is pretty much staying inside and in the shade. But the minute the sun starts to go down and it cools off, the park comes alive. There are a lot of dog walkers and bikers and strollers. People drag their lawn chairs out into the walkway to visit. Makes for fun evenings.

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