Monday, January 9, 2017

And More Snow!

We were awakened this morning by the sound of a snow blower. The neighbor who had stopped by yesterday to check on us had brought his leaf blower and was cleaning the snow off the car windows and the walk in front of the RV. It was so nice of him because the snow is now a good ten inches deep!

There was so much snow yesterday that the little birds hadn't emptied the bird feeder, so I didn't need to refill it. I'm sure by the time the sun goes down, it will be empty again. I did scatter six canfuls of wheat for the quail. There must be at least forty quail who are coming in to eat. They are pretty jumpy. I'm afraid they use a great deal of energy every time they startle and fly off.

It snowed again this morning, but stopped after it had put down just another half inch. It was easy to sweep off. It has been fairly warm all day. I think it even got up to 27 degrees. We took advantage of the thaw to drain the grey water tank, wash the dishes, do some laundry and take much needed showers. It's supposed to get terribly cold again next week, so we'd best be prepared.

From the news reports, I-90 at Snoqualmie Pass is once again closed due to multiple accidents. There's been freezing rain in many areas and the local Sheriffs and State Patrol are asking everyone to stay off the roads except for emergencies. I think it's just a good time to stay hunkered down.

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